It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
-Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
As the Amazon is rapidly approaching a tipping point, the indigenous people of the Amazon are at a crossroad. To survive, they must adapt. The modern world is imminent, intrusive and inescapable. The only choice for the indigenous is to embrace change, adapt, and find a way to live in harmony with the future while maintaining their connection to the land, their culture and way of life.
… is our pilot program designed to elevate the lives of the indigenous people, improving their overall quality of life with green, non-invasive technology. By eliminating their dependency on fossil fuel, the indigenous people can begin to close the gap of the socioeconomic divide, moving from a state of poverty consciousness, where daily life can be a struggle just to survive, to a state of abundance and prosperity.
We believe solar energy is the catalyst for change required to strengthening the roots of the indigenous people and moving their nations toward independence and unity.
See what’s the New Hope Project is doing.
Our Impact
In just under two years, we conceptualized the New Hope Project, raised money, formed partnerships and undertook the largest transport of equipment through the Amazon basin to bring clean, solar energy to the village of New Hope. But this is just the beginning. To learn more about our journey, see our expansion goals and understand how we are making a difference in the Amazon, download our project brochure.
Light in my Lifetime
Clean water, electricity, and transportation are modern conveniences, that we often take for granted, and yet they are essential to everyone during times of crisis. Now imagine your day-to-day life without these things. For most of the indigenouse in the Brazilian Amazon, these are conveniences they have only dreamed of.
Hear how life has changed for the Yawanawá.