The Greenprint

… is our holistic, non-invasive plan designed to elevate the lives of the indigenous people, improving their overall quality of life with green, non-invasive technology. By eliminating their dependency on for fossil fuel, the indigenous people can begin to close the gap of the socioeconomic divide, moving from a state of poverty consciousness, where daily life can be a struggle just to survive, to a state of abundance and prosperity.

The New Hope Project has been designed to be scalable. Our goal is to expand to the majority of indigenous nations in the state of Acre by 2030 with the help of collaborators, funding from sponsorship, donations and biodiversity credits.

Learn about the New Hope Project expansion.

Empowering a Global Grassroots Movement

The New Hope Project is part of our plan to bring deforestation in the Amazon to a halt, so that the lands can one day be rewilded. We are building a foundation, both locally with the indigenous people while working globally to unite the greater community of organizations with a similar purpose under a common umbrella, compiling our resources to take on this monumental task.